______ are abstract ideals that guide one’s thinking and behavior across all situations.

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______ are abstract ideals that guide one’s thinking and behavior across all situations.

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______ are abstract ideals that guide one’s thinking and behavior across all situations.


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______ are abstract ideals that guide one’s thinking and behavior across all situations.

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-The stable psychological traits and behavioral attributes that give a person his or her identity

The Big Five personality dimensions 

1. Extroversion 2. agreeableness 3. Conscientiousness 4. Emotional stability 5. Openness to experience

Someone more apt to take initiative and persevere to influence the environment

Indicates how much people believe they control their fate through their own efforts

Internal Locus of control

You believe you control your own destiny

External Locus of control

You believe external forces control you

Belief in one's personal ability to do a task

Low self-efficacy is associated with______.

Debilitating lack of faith in one's ability to control one's environment

5 traits Important in organizations

1. Locus of control 2. Self-efficacy 3. self-esteem 4.Self-monitoring 5. emotional intelligence

Extent to which people like/dislike themselves; overall self-evaluation 

Extent to which people are able to observe their own behavior and adapt it to external situations

Why are high self monitors sometimes criticized?

For being chameleons, always able to adapt their self presentation to their surroundings

Why are low self monitors criticized?

-For being on their own planet and insensitive to others

Research shows there is a __relaitonship between high self monitoring and career success.

Ability to cope, to empathize with others, to be self motivated

Why is high emotional intelligence important?

1. Better social relations 2.Better family and intimate relationships 3. perceived by others as positive 4. better academic achievement 5. Better psychological well being

Psychologist who popularized emotional intelligence and concluded it was made up of 4 components

4 components of Emotional intelligence

1. Self awareness 2. Self-management 3. Social awareness 4. Relationship management

Goals policies hierarchy structure

Dedicated to better understanding and management of people at work

Organizational behavior looks at what 2 areas?

abstract ideals that guide one's thinking and behavior across all situations

A learned predisposition toward a given object

Attitudes have 3 components

1. Affective 2. Cognitive 3. Behavioral

Consists of the feelings or emotions one has about a situation

the beliefs and knowledge one has about a situation

aka intentional component -how one intends or expects to behave toward a situation

Proposed cognitive dissonance

The psychological discomfort a person experiences between their cognitive attitude and incompatible behavior

How do people deal with cognitive dissonance?

Importance, control and rewards

their actions and judgements

The process of interpreting and understanding ones environment

Tendency to attribute to an individual the characteristics one believes are typical of the group to which that individual belongs

4 steps in Perceptual Process

1. Selective attention 2.Interpretation & evaluation 3. Storing in memory 4. Retrieving from memory to make judgements and decisions

Principal areas of stereotyping:

1. Sex-role 2. Age 3. race/ethnicity

When an employee doesn't show up for work

When we form an impression of an individual based on a single trait

Tendency to remember recent info. better than earlier info. 

The activity of inferring causes for observed behavior

Fundamental attribution bias

people attribute another person's behavior to their personal characteristics rather than to situational factors

People tend to take more personal responsibility for success than failure

Self-fulfilling prophecy AKA Pygmalion effect

People's expectations of themselves/others lead them to behave in ways that make this expectations come true

individual's involvement, satisfaction, and enthusiasm for work

the extent to which you feel positive or negative about various aspects of your work

Reflects the extent to which an employee identifies with an organization and is committed to its goals

When employees leave their jobs

Programs that help employees to integrate/transition to new jobs by making them familiar with corporate policies, procedures, culture, and politics by clarifying work-role expectations/responsibilities

Organizationalcitizenship behaviors

Employee behaviors that are not directly part of employees' job description--that exceed their work requirements

Counterproductive Work behaviors

Types of behavior that harm employees and the organization as a whole

All the ways people are alike and unalike. -Age, gender, race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, capabilities, socioeconomic background

Four layers of the Diversity Wheel

From inside out… -Personality -Internal dimensions -External dimensions -Organizational dimensions

Internal dimensions of diversity

Human differences that exert a powerful, sustained effect throughout every stage of out lives

External dimensions of diversity

Element of choice -Personal characteristics that people acquire, discard, or modify throughout their lives

Metaphor for an invisible barrier preventing women and minorities from being promoted to executive jobs

Americans with Disabilities Act

-1992 -Prohibits discrimination against disabled

Working at jobs that require less education than they have

Belief that ones native country and culture is superior to those of another culture

Tension people feel when they are facing or enduring extraordinary demands, constraints, or opportunities and are uncertain about their ability to handle them effectively

-Father of modern concept of stress -Canadian researcher

Stressors can be both ___ & ___.

Involved in chronic, determined struggle to accomplish more in less time

Sets of behavior that people expect of occupants of a position

How many stress come about?

Role overload Role conflict Role ambiguity

State of emotional, mental and even physical exhuastion

Administrative changes, that managers can make to reduce stressors that lead to employee burnout

Employee assistance programs

Host of programs aimed at helping employees to cope with stress, burnout, substance abuse, health problems, family and martial issues and any general problem that will negatively effect the job performance

Holistic Wellness Program

Focuses on self-responsibility, nutritional awareness, relaxation techniques, physical fitness, and environmental awareness

Are abstract ideals that shape one's thinking and behavior?

Values are abstract ideals that shape one's thinking and behavior. Basic personal values are taken for granted. They are not arranged consciously in order of priority.

What is the belief that one's native country culture language abilities or behavior is superior to those of another culture?

Ethnocentrism is the tendency to look at the world primarily from the perspective of one's own culture. Part of ethnocentrism is the belief that one's own race, ethnic or cultural group is the most important or that some or all aspects of its culture are superior to those of other groups.

What is the study of group behavior for the purpose of improving interpersonal relationships?

Social Psychology Studies Human Interactions Social psychologists are interested in all aspects of personality and social interaction, exploring the influence of interpersonal and group relationships on human behavior.

What are the types of employee behaviors that managers can influence?

Here are seven smart ways managers can influence employee behavior in 2020..
Highly value each individual's role or contribution. ... .
Make expectations crystal clear. ... .
Deal decisively with poor performers. ... .
Reward and affirm employees proactively. ... .
Get involved in the success and well being of each person..